SolarSystem App

This link is an attempt to redesign my SolarSystem java applet. As it’s still under construction and numerous changes are made to the code all the time, you will need to clear your browser data and reload the page to make your browser update to the new code. Have fun with it!

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4 Responses to SolarSystem App

  1. Steven says:

    I appreciate the smiley face that appears when I first open the SolarSystem link;) Never noticed how Neptune and Pluto cross paths before too!!

    Genius activities going on here.

  2. Jim Masterson says:

    Thanks Steven!

  3. Jim Masterson says:

    You will notice that Neptune’s and Pluto’s orbits do not actually intersect. Pluto’s orbit is completely outside of the plane of the ecliptic. If you rotate the image, you will see that.

  4. Jim Masterson says:

    The smiley face is a test of the Canvas actions. I left it in, but it gets erased immediately.

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